Four Tips For Getting Information From Witnesses During An Accident
Posted on:
19 May 2016
There is a vehicle accident somewhere in the world every 60 seconds, according to the National Highway Traffic Administration. Knowing this, there is a good chance you or someone you know may end up in a car accident at some point or another in your lifetime. There is often a lot of commotion going on at the scene of a car accident, but you want to make sure that the details of the car accident do not get overshadowed.
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Guilty Of A DUI? Understand How To Protect Your Future
Posted on:
17 May 2016
Life is all about learning from your mistakes. If you made a poor choice and got behind the wheel while under the influence, you should take responsibility for your actions. However, this does not mean you have to settle for an overly harsh or unjust sentence. If you are guilty of a DUI, make sure you have an attorney on your side.
What's At Stake?
There is a somewhat common misconception that jail sentences and expensive fines are reserved for those convicted of a DUI where injuries are present or for a repeat offense.
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Facing Your First Mayor's Court Hearing? What Can You Expect?
Posted on:
17 May 2016
If you've recently been cited for a traffic or ordinance violation and summoned to appear in one of the Buckeye State's many mayor's courts, you may be nervous about your first court appearance and wondering exactly what will happen. Fortunately, these courts are more informal than trial courts and can often allow you to represent yourself -- although there are a few situations in which you may want to enlist the help of experienced counsel to best protect your rights.
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Why Children Can Be Tried As Adults In Court For Criminal Offenses
Posted on:
16 May 2016
If you are dealing with your child being accused of some sort of criminal offense, you may be wondering if they will face adult charges for the crime. While there is not a single reason that this may happen, it's good to be aware of all of the possibilities so that you are prepared for it.
They Are Accused of a Serious Crime
The nature of the crime is going to be the biggest factor to determine if children are tried as adults in court.
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