Tips For Protecting Your Bail Bonds Agency From Failure To Appear Issues
Posted on:
15 July 2019
As a bail bondsman, one of the hardest things on your business is an increase in failure to appear revocations. They cost you significantly, not only in lost bail money but in the lost time spent trying to locate the defendant after the fact. The good news is that there are some ways that you can reduce the percentage of failure to appear incidents that you face. Here are a couple of things that you should consider to help you minimize these issues.
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Ways To Prove That You Weren't Driving Anyone In Your Ride-Sharing Vehicle During A DUI Case
Posted on:
2 April 2019
If you're a ride-sharing driver, you likely appreciate the ability to earn income simply from driving passengers around your city. In this capacity, you're responsible for the safety of your passenger, so driving safely is imperative. While it's never a good idea to drink before getting behind the wheel of your vehicle, this is especially true when you're a ride-sharing driver. A DUI charge while you're carrying a passenger can often be more serious, and you may face additional charges, too.
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Parties That You Might Think To Target After Issues With A Home Inspection
Posted on:
6 December 2018
For many home buyers, the home inspection is one final hurdle to get through before the purchase goes firm. A good home inspector will be able to identify the majority of issues that are present in a home, but it's impossible for even an experienced inspector to notice everything. If you buy the house and move in, it's possible that you might soon be aware of a major issue that the inspector missed.
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These Knee Conditions May Prevent You From Properly Standing On One Leg During A DUI Stop
Posted on:
3 October 2018
One of the handful of tasks that a police officer may ask you to perform during a field sobriety test is standing on one leg. This is an easy exercise for the average person, but challenging for someone who has been drinking. A driver who is over the legal limit may struggle to remain upright, cementing the officer's suspicions that the motorist is indeed intoxicated. If you've been stopped and the officer asks you to perform some field sobriety tests, it's important to know that refusing to do so could lead to an arrest.
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